
Black Lives Matter Movement Summary

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Introduction: Movements are one way to raise awareness and motion for a change in a society. From the Civil Rights movement to the women’s movement, the United States is created on movements and uprisings. The Black Lives Matter Movement is the current movement, which sets focus on some of the inequalities blacks experience on a daily basis. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author of From #BlackLivesMatter To Black Liberation identifies tax revenue local, criminal records, voter registration and residential segregation as both the root and structural causes behind the movement. These structural causes created the goals of the movement which center on police accountability, change in economic conditions, improvement of wages and the improvement of education outcomes.
Critical Analysis The structural causes mentioned by Taylor can also be linked to the functioning of the criminal justice system. The first structural cause is residential segregation, which refers to the divide between blacks and whites in reference to neighborhoods. Within this concepts, blacks and whites do not mingle or live …show more content…

To target these problems, Taylor discusses three structures that can be altered to improve the problems surrounding the movement, black lives, and the criminal justice system. Taylor’s primary focus is the redistribution of wealth but she also mentions racial inequality and police accountability, Taylor mainly focuses on the redistribution of wealth as her main point but does go into mentioning the police accountability and improved wages. Redistribution of wealth is important to Taylor because a change in economic conditions is important in making opportunities fair for everyone. She argues that we should be taking money from those that have it and give it to those that do not through programs such as social security and medicare. These programs some are which are provided through taxes provides support that makes lives easier to those that qualify for the

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