
Black Men And Public Places Essay

Decent Essays

Misunderstandings happen all the time, but how one handles those misunderstandings tells a lot about their character and who they really are as a person. Sometimes misunderstandings are a result of someone stereotyping because of a race, religion or even simple actions. This issue is apparent in “Black Men and Public Places”. A graduate student at University of Chicago as endured these issues, but has found ways around them. In today’s age many people assume the worst without knowing the person first hand and or their actual intentions. The opening sentence states “My first victim”, I feel as though the word victim has a very derogatory sound to it, but the reader finds out later that it’s just a lady whom happens to be walking in front of the large black man. Being a small somewhat vulnerable female I have done the same thing when running, I see someone behind me who I don’t know, but I think seems a bit odd I run faster to “safety” without actually knowing his or her actual intentions. The young yet large black man whom looked a bit scraggly realized he looked similar to what …show more content…

This is an issue today people think on impulse and not how it will make someone else feel. Everyone was locking their doors when he would walk by, and all he was doing was on a walk. It is truly sad how some people may look a little different or not be perfect and everyone immediately assumes the worst. It is even sadder that law enforcement does the same thing, and the person they feel is in the wrong is forced to try and stay calm and defend themselves for doing nothing. He however found ways to make seem pleasant to avoid others being so afraid of him. By simply whistling classical music people were less afraid of him. Everyone looks at others in a different way and sometimes that is not a good way, but perception is everything in today’s world, and that is something everyone is going to have to live

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