
Blackbeard And His Death : Notes

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Blackbeard and His Death
By: Lincoln brownfield march, 30
Blackbeard and His Death
Blackbeard was one of the most feared pirates on the Atlantic coast. He captured a minimum of forty ships in his career. His reign as a pirate lasted for two years. He was a very successful pirate although there were some that were better than him like Charles Vane. Blackbeard was so feared that he rarely had to kill anyone. This paper will describe his life and death.
Blackbeard was born somewhere in London no one but no one really knows he was born in 1680. He died on November 22, 1718. He lived to be thirty eight years old. Blackbeard’s real name was Edward teach. Blackbeard also lived in bath north Carolina with a wife and a very nice house for his time because it was two stories. Blackbeard was very tall for his time he was six foot four and two hundred and fifty pounds. He pirated off the Atlantic coast near what is now North Carolina. Whenever Blackbeard was younger he served under a captain with the name of Benjamin Horningold. Blackbeard was also a privateer in the Queen Anne’s war and he became a pirate after that because French ships stopped coming through the places that England ruled. Blackbeard actually began to settle down in North Carolina with a wife marry Ormond the daughter of a plantation owner. He gained even more money off of her because it was a rich family.
He commanded over four vessels and four hundred pirates. Blackbeard spent most of his time

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