
Blair House Internship

Better Essays

Although my four months interning at Blair House, the President’s Guest House, was short, I learned a great deal not only about collection management of a historical house, but also about the history of an influential family and the history of diplomacy in the United States Government. Previous to this internship, Blair House was not a place that I had any real knowledge about. My limited wisdom came from a scene or two in a movie and television show. Learning so much about a wonderful collection with so much historical value has been a once in a lifetime opportunity
Not only has this internship has been a life changing experience for me in my pursuit of a career in collections management, but it has opened doors for me in the connections I made with the people that work in the State Department. I was graciously welcomed into Blair House by people whose passions align with mine. Being surrounded on a daily basis with a real sense of diplomacy and history humbles most who walk through the house. The stories that are told on the curator-led tours fascinate anyone with an interest in …show more content…

Additionally, the fact that it is Blair House and there is some prestige in that title also helped me make my decision in accepting the position. I know that connections could be made to help continue my career in the future after I graduate and begin looking for a full time position in the field. Overall, my goals were to learn as much as possible about real life collections management, to put what I have learn from class and textbooks into a real world setting, and making last connections with those that I work with. I believe that I have successfully attained these goals during my time at Blair

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