
Blame In Macbeth

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Blame is a rhetoric idea that can be imposed on anyone and anything. Macbeth is blamed for the murder of the king, yet it can argumented that Lady Macbeth is also at fault here, but one thing comes to point: the one who killed the king is guilty. Although Lady Macbeth planned and manipulated him it gives no excuse to murder because Macbeth had a choice and a voice for that matter to stop his actions from happening. Moreover, Macbeth had dangerous thoughts overcoming his mind during scene 3, murder of the king was imbedded into his thoughts, this would lead Lady Macbeth to easy manipulation now that a seed was planted. As to say that the seed was watered and a wretched flower bloomed. To point out, Macbeth was a warrior, that had recently defeated …show more content…

“I’ve nothing to spur me on but high-leaping ambition, which can often bring about one’s downfall” (Shakespeare 1.7.25-28). Overall, if one were to ask to use one word to describe the reason Macbeth killed the King Duncan it would be: Ambition. In like manner, Macbeth admits his ambition and his awareness of what it could do. Continuously, Lady Macbeth herself took in part of pointing out Macbeth’s thoughts even before she presented her idea. “Your face, my thane, is like a book” (Shakespeare 1.5.61). A book opened with ambitious thoughts, acquiring a plan in order to sit on a throne. Overall, Macbeth’s loyalty the king was a simple advantage that he took for granted, blinded with this substance of this poison of ambition he will destroy every relationship, even his marriage with the road he has decided to take. Accountable for his actions, the moment he comes back from the murder he is overcome with guilt yet he does not make an effort to turn himself in or Lady Macbeth because if one were to care that much to even have ambition seconds before the murder he would care enough to erase that ideation into holding himself

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