
Blame Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

Decent Essays

The Blame of the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

Who or what do you blame for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? I blame the Feud without the family feud Romeo and Juliet would have never had to hide their love. Without the feud, Tybalt would have never tried to fight Romeo. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was caused by the feud between the two families Montague and the Capulets, and Tybalt and I also blame Lord Capulet.

I blame Tybalt because if Tybalt never started to try and pick a fight with Romeo. When Tybalt started the fight, he said “Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford No better term than this: thou art a villain.” (Shakespeare 119). This quote is saying that Tybalt thinks that Romeo is a villain and he feels no love for him. “Romeo's friend Mercutio fights and is killed by Tybalt, a psychopathic Capulet cousin who is gunning for Romeo. Romeo kills Tybalt. The Prince of Verona banishes Romeo.” (Romeo and Juliet’s Death trip). Tybalt wanted to start a fight with Romeo but Mercurio stepped in and defended Romeo when Romeo wouldn't defend himself because Tybalt was Juliet’s cousin. That caused Mercutio to die and Romeo to blame himself and to avenge Mercutio and kill Tybalt. Which in turn caused him to get banished from the city. That is why …show more content…

Lord Capulet pushed Juliet to marry Paris even though she didn't want to because she didn't love him. Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo blamed himself because he didn't want to fight because Tybalt was Juliet’s cousin, but after Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo killed Tybalt. The feud was the biggest to blame because if the feud wasn't there Romeo and Juliet could love each other freely and Tybalt wouldn’t kill Mercutio causes Romeo to kill him and then, in turn, causing him to get banished which then caused the plan to form that got Romeo and Juliet

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