
Bless Me Ultima Seminar Questions

Decent Essays

BMU Seminar Questions
The novel fits the description of “magical realism” because of the mythical elements included such as the Golden Carp, the witches, and Ultima's owl. According to Merriam Webster magical realism is defined as,”a literary genre or style associated with Latin America that incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction.” Anaya refers to Ultima as, “a respitory of Spanish, Mexican, and Native American teachings” (x). He also states that “the Golden Carp of the novel is a myth” as well as other topics in the story (xi). Many factors such as the witches and mythical practices in Bless Me Ultima is what makes the magical description fit the novel.
One major archetype that can be identified in Bless Me Ultima is the religion being inherited in the race and in the unconscious …show more content…

Ultima is truly a witch but Anaya foreshadows this to the part that we actually find out. After she walks through the door, Cruz Sedillo said, “the woman is free of the accusation” (135).
Florence’s character is very sympathetic. Florence’s father died, he doesn't have a mother, and his sisters are prostitutes. He doesn't like to go to church and does not want to go to first communion or confession because he doesn't understand why God has done this to him, he says to Antonio, “you know, it doesn't seem fair” (192). Antonio begins to question why this is true and he realizes that this belief of God can not necessarily answer some of the most important questions.
Antonio learns many things throughout life but one of the most important things is that, “life is filled with sadness when a boy grows to be a man” (245). I think that this is not necessarily true for everyone but for some people it is. As you grow to see and experience pain, you only get stronger and learn from

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