
Blindness By William Shakespeare 's King Lear

Better Essays

Maysoun Deeb
Mr. A. T. Lebar
13 July 2015
King Lear Blindness by definition, according to dictionaries, is “unable to see and lacking the sense of sight” by which King Lear, the classic tragic play written by William Shakespeare, illustrated the concept of blindness amongst his characters as the leading theme. King Lear and Gloucester were the characters that have been conflicted by this “blindness” that may or may not change their personalities in the very end of the play. Gloucester becomes physically blinded by Cornwall which makes him realize the truth about his sons in contrast with King Lear being mentally blinded in result of his lack of insight, understanding, and direction. The characters that helped restored King Lear and Gloucester’s “sight” throughout the play were Cordelia, Gloucester, Caius and Poor Tom and some of these characters contributed to King Lear’s nature of being a better king in the tail end of this remarkable play.
The hopeless love test conducted by the king based his decision on dividing his land revealed his true character in the very beginning of the play. He is egoistic and enjoys his kingly title of Britain, he has himself buried in supremacy that he does not have time to think of others but himself. The whole conception of blindness that King Lear has is the lack of insight, understanding, and direction. Cordelia, King Lear’s sweet, loving daughter amongst all, helped her father in restoring his “sight” throughout the play by being

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