
Blood Quotes In Macbeth

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Guilt Flows Like Blood
Actions have consequences; and when poor actions are are made, horrid consequences will come. In Shakespeare’s Tragedy, Macbeth, Macbeth is overcome by greed and decides to murder King Duncan in order to fulfill his prophecy and become king. After being persuaded by his wife, Lady Macbeth, to kill him, he feels an instant regret and is burdened with guilt. Haunted by his actions, Macbeth plunges into a perpetual downfall ending in death and horror. The motif of blood in Shakespeare's, Macbeth, conveys the idea that blood embodies guilt and actions that one wishes to take back due to the blood Macbeth sees after killing Duncan, Lady Macbeth’s demise, and the significance it plays in Macbeth’s mental breakdown.
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Her guilt is seen through the blood on her hands and is proven through her horrible mental state at the conclusion of the play. Lady Macbeth has arguably one of the most tragic downfalls in the play. From a strong, independent woman who believed that she was on top of the world, to a shell of the woman she once was. Her actions were so dreadful, that her consequences were that much worse. Dawning from an overflowing feeling of guilt, Lady Macbeth’s demise is a painful one. Blood is seen when her collapse is at its climax. She begins to sleepwalk and hallucinate without stop. During these hallucinations, she pretends to vigorously wash her hands to clean Duncan’s blood from them but to no avail. The blood on her hands represents guilt, but the actions she was trying to wash from her own soul could not be erased. Lady Macbeth says, “Out damned spot! Out, I say!-One, two. Why, then,/’tis time to do’t. Hell is murky!” (V.I. 25-26). Lady Macbeth proclaiming, “Out damned spot!” reffers to the guilt she cannot wipe from her moral slate. The bloody guilt that is engraved in her conscience, unable to be erased. Ultimately her downfall leads to suicide, showing how difficult it is to clean the guilt from your conscience and wash away the actions that have already been

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