
Blood Transfusion Essay

Decent Essays

Blood Transfusion, Adult
A blood transfusion is a procedure in which you receive donated blood, including plasma, platelets, and red blood cells, through an IV tube. You may need a blood transfusion because of illness, surgery, or injury. The blood may come from a donor. You may also be able to donate blood for yourself (autologous blood donation) before a surgery if you know you might require a blood transfusion.
The blood given in a transfusion is made up of different types of cells. You may receive:
• Red blood cells. These carry oxygen to the cells in the body. Red blood cells are the most common type of transfusion.
• White blood cells. These help you fight infections.
• Platelets. This helps your blood to clot.
• Plasma. …show more content…

Your body’s defense system (immune system) may try to attack the new cells. This complication is rare. The symptoms include fever, chills, nausea, and low back pain or chest pain.

• Infection or disease transmission. This is rare.
You will have a blood test to determine your blood type. This is necessary to know what kind of blood your body will accept and to match it to the donor blood.

If you are going to have a planned surgery, you may be able to do an autologous blood donation. This may be done in case you need to have a transfusion.

If you have had an allergic reaction to a transfusion in the past, you may be given medicine to help prevent a reaction. This medicine may be given to you by mouth or through an IV.

• You will have your temperature, blood pressure, and pulse monitored before the transfusion.
• Follow instructions from your health care provider about eating and drinking restrictions.
• Ask your health care provider about:
○ Changing or stopping your regular medicines. This is especially important if you are taking diabetes medicines or blood thinners.
Taking medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen. These medicines can thin your blood. Do nottake these medicines before your procedure if your health care provider instructs you not to.

• An IV tube will be inserted into one of your veins.
• The bag of donated blood will be attached to your IV tube. The blood will then enter through your vein.
Your temperature, blood pressure, and

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