
Blue Collar Brilliance Analysis

Decent Essays

According to “Blue Collar-Brilliance,” Rose believes that blue collar workers are intelligent.
Rose’s mother never went to college however , Rose’s mother could multi-task and communicate with customers. Rosie’s job required body and mind which required her to become adept at reading social cues and managing feelings and be able to stay and her feet day and night. Rose’s uncle was also an blue collar worker with intelligence. Joe has worked many jobs such as, the Pennsylvania Railroad, Navy, then later returned to the railroad, and eventually joined his brother at General Motors. While working at General Motors, Joe learned that the shop provided something school never could, He had to learn the most efficient way to use his body. We reinforce …show more content…

In today's economy ,most people cannot afford a higher education so they cannot get what they need so they take what they can get. Most famous people did not get their degree until after they became famous or they do not get it at all. Steve jobs never received his college degree but he turned out fine he is now the owner of the Apple company . Tiger Woods left Stanford University after two years. Even though Tiger Woods won the NCAA individual golf championship and was an All-American during his time in college, Woods still decided he was better off in the real world. Since dropping out, he won 14 major championships. Kanye west, Bill gates,Lady gaga all dropped out , but all have succeeded in life. Blue collar workers are needed in this economy without them we wouldn't be where we are today , for example construction workers they build our homes , schools, hospitals and many more. Another example is a mechanic they fix our cars ,which is our main transportation in today's society. These are a few people who succeeded without a college degree. This goes to show that a college degree is not a necessity in today’s society even though it is required to have one for most jobs. It is evident that blue collar workers are intelligent no matter what their job

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