
Blue Winds Dancing

Decent Essays

Living Between Two Worlds In the essay, “Blue Winds Dancing,” by Tom Whitecloud, the theme is motivated by the conflict the narrator faces while missing what he considers home. Satisfaction for ones culture is a fine line between appreciation of your own and disapproval for those that are different. This conflict is brought to light by the narrator’s different views of the two cultures to which he lives. These differences are felt internally and externally as the writer searches for his individuality and deals with society, respectively. In the beginning of the essay, the narrator explains his views about life. The narrator goes onto compare the different aspects of the cultures, and in a sense thinks like the White man, that his …show more content…

Naturally, the narrator feels the pressure of being a minority. At first, he wants to be like everyone else, to be a part of white society. Then, he realizes that such society is not what he imagines it to be. As a result, he wants to reconnect with his family, this time appreciating them as his own. Nevertheless, the narrator is afraid of what his father

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