
Body Image And Society

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Over a period of time the media has portrayed body image in young women and the effects have been so damaging that majority of young women have developed eating disorders and self-oriented perfectionism. Magazines, social media, and television have been the linked sources of influence. You have to look like a Victoria Secret model or try to look like a “top” model (a television reality show). To look the “norm” is too be thin, and in the minds of some young girl’s, an eating disorder is the only way to become thin. Life satisfaction is when individuals evaluate the value of their life by their own standards. Young girls tend to struggle with social transitions which can affect their perception of their body image and their life satisfaction. Adolescence is a period in time of young lives where reflection on appearance and body image may take a toll on their life satisfaction.
Australian Broadcasting corporation (ABC) online news program states ‘‘the picture is worse for Australia; horrifically, one in four children …show more content…

Life satisfaction is a cognitive component of personal welfare. When defining life satisfaction, people measure the quality of their lives as judged by their own set of standards. Adolescence is a period of reflection and consciousness of body image; appearance can influence life satisfaction. According to Ferguson, Previous research has suggested that body dissatisfaction correlates highly with reduced life satisfaction (p.7). In the face of media portraying appearance related messages, studies are showing that young women are not affected as much as older woman. When assessing life satisfaction, individuals apply different components, such as well-being or relationships. Adolescents often struggle with biological, social and parental changes that had an impact on the different components that hindered their life satisfaction. Each study was conducted and the hypothesis was

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