
Bonaparte Betrayed the Revolution

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Bonaparte Betrayed the Revolution ‘Bonaparte betrayed the revolution.’ Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer. Napoleon Bonaparte’s attitude towards the French Revolution is one that has often raised questions. That the revolution had an influence on Bonaparte’s regime cannot be denied – but to what extent? When one looks at France after Napoleon’s reign it is clear that he had brought much longed for order and stability. He had also established institutions that embodied the main principles of the revolution. However, it is also evident that many of his policies directly contradict those same principles. Was Napoleon betraying the same revolution that gave him power, or was he merely a pragmatist, who recognised that …show more content…

These were secondary schools for boys, where admission was based on ability. Like Napoleon in Animal Farm, education of the young was a priority in Bonaparte’s society. He created an upward ladder within society, opening an avenue of opportunity for the less wealthy in society by providing scholarships to those displaying ability. The only criterion being that the boy’s family were supporters of Napoleon. Thus, one of the grievances that had pushed the revolution forward was resolved. A revolutionary aim was realised. A strategy of Napoleon’s that was intended to foster equality, as well as to reward talent, was the establishing of the Legion of Honour. Despite protests that it was a violation of equality , the practice of recognising civic contributions to society was widely regarded as a means of promoting equality. Le Memorial de Sainte-Helene (1821) declared that “…. establishment of the Legion of Honour, which was the reward for military, civil, and judicial service, united side by side the soldier, the scholar, the artist, the prelate, and the magistrate;”. Napoleon continually proved to be able to heal divisions caused by a revolution demanding equality. In order to bring the ideals of the revolution to fruition, i.e. to create social equality, Napoleon recognised that diverse groups in society needed to reconcile and unite in their attempt to consolidate the achievements of the revolution. So, as he

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