
Bondurant In The Film Lawless

Decent Essays

Released August 29th of 2012; Lawless a drama directed by John Hillcoat takes place in Franklin County, Virginia during the Great Depression where a trio of bootlegging brothers make a profit from alcohol. They end up having violent encounters in the process of their business and become notorious on the way. Maggie Beauford, Forest and Jack Bondurant are the main characters and play a big role within the film. Forest Bondurant in the film is characterized as a leader because of his intimidation, invincibility, and carelessness. Forest Bondurant plays a leader of his brothers; Jack and Howard and causes intimidation amongst the town and the authorities who roll in. He makes others aware of his reputation and actions. Forest is a protagonist character for being a hero to Jack when motivating him to be strong during dangerous situations. As he tells Jack, "We're survivors we control the fear, and without the fear, we're all as good as dead." The villains within the film know not to mess with Forest where he will not back down from any fight and won't stop from accomplishing his goal of defeating them. He causes mayhem with crooks and gives them a message to watch their backs when trying to cause trouble with him. …show more content…

When he gets his throat slashed and took multiple shots throughout his body he's able to still stand and fight in the end. When Jack has trouble with special deputy Charlie Rakes, Forest gives him motivation by telling him, "It is not violence that sets men apart, alright, it is the distance that he is prepared to go." He makes sure to always have Jack's back and there to give the right advice he needs to survive during a violent time. He shows no weakness towards his nemesis when encountering or fighting with

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