
Bone Marrow Edema Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Mrs. Gniech,

Per PA Alford, your MRI of left knee shows a chondral defect, osteoarthritis at the patellofemoral compartment with a focal near full-thickness chondral defect at the trochlea. Osteochondral injury at the medial femoral condyle, with a 1 cm area of partial-thickness chondral defect and subchondral bone marrow edema. No meniscus or ligament tear.

Due to finding PA Alford has referred you to Ortho for evaluation and treatment. Please allow 2-3 business day to be contacted by CAMO to assist with scheduling an appt. If you have not hear from CAMO within 2-3 days. Please call 916-990 option 3 to schedule an appt.

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