
Boo Radley's Patience

Decent Essays

Patience is Found in God Alongside a dirty creek, I found that the water breathed in my lungs and I did not mind it. Almost a serenity, to those who have yet to know, it was a starkling contrast to the manifestation of gloom that tattered at what the Lord gave to me not too long ago. With the branches of orchard trees blurred and the faint hum of hummingbirds, I thought, the time to cut the rope would soon fall. This rope that was laced with tar from those before who left nothing but more holes to bore in memories that should've been galore with joy. Ah, this rope that grew too tight had me plea to the Lord to clean and sew it again. Oh, how else must I prosper? Lord, hear me and grant my wish. Yet, the rope remained untouched. With a rock

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