
Book Analysis: Freakonomics

Decent Essays

For my summer reading assignment, I read, explored and analyzed the book, Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. I chose this book because psychology and economics have always interested me, and this book specifically looked at the psychological aspect of our economy. I thought it would be an interesting experience to read it. I decided to take AP World History because during my 8th grade year, social studies really started to interest me. My teacher, Mr. Mark Matthews, really made history come alive for me through his teaching, and all of the simulations he used. I found a sincere interest in history and did well. I have never been the best student in my class, but I always do well and find myself interested in the topics …show more content…

If I do well, the full weight GPA will also help me in my pursuit in a highly respected college. Freakonomics is a book that focuses on our economy and why things change, prosper, and decline. In the text, the authors explore the effects that incentives and information have on the economy, the workplace, and people in general. For example, in the first chapter, the authors pose the question, “What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common?” The average person would say that there is almost nothing in common between a schoolteacher and a sumo wrestler, but the authors of Freakonomics prove that statement to be wrong. They looked deeper and analyzed the biggest problems that each occupation has and noticed a huge similarity, cheating is a huge, often unnoticed problem in both, and they both have incentives that also go unnoticed quite often. Schoolteachers often cheat for their students on standardized tests. Their motive: they get raises and bonuses if their students do well, as it shows that they are being well taught. Sumo wrestlers often lose on purpose. Their motive can sometimes be bribes, but it is often that there …show more content…

For instance, the chapter titled “How is the Ku Klux Klan like a group of real estate agents?” brought a lot of information about the history of the Ku Klux Klan and real estate sales to my attention. The Ku Klux Klan was started by a group of six friends former Confederate soldiers in Tennessee immediately after the Civil War. They started out with harmless pranks, but soon evolved into a terrorist group against emancipated slaves. They terrorized the slaves through lynching, shooting, burning, whipping, and many other forms of torture, before the Klan was defeated through legal and military protection. However, the Klan was quickly brought back together. They continued to torture blacks, but as the years went on, public lynchings, the Klan’s most common forms of torture decreased rapidly. In the years 1890-1899, there were 1,111 lynchings, compared to 1960-1969 in which there were only 3 lynchings! This may have been brought about because of Stetson Kennedy, a white citizen who was trying to bust the Klan. The Klan just figured that they already had so much power that they didn’t need to enforce it with public lynchings, therefore giving more evidence of it’s existence. A similar effect happened when the Internet was created in 1996 and people could easily compare the prices of life insurance. The prices dropped dramatically. Before the Internet, it was very hard to compare the prices of term life insurance.

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