
Book Report On The Other Wes Moore

Decent Essays

The characters from the book, The Other Wes Moore, shared one name, which was “Wes Moore” but lived two different lives. The Author Wes describes his life by saying, “ I was taught to remember, but never question” and he describes the Other Wes’s life by saying, “ taught to forget and never ask why.” (4). How both characters were taught to live their lives is shown throughout the book as they gained and lost respect throughout their life experiences. The Author Wes Moore came from a family Caribbean family. His mother, Joy, came from Jamaica and had to quickly adapt to the lifestyle of the American kids, such as their lingo and the way they dress. As she progressed on to college years she met her first husband Bill who turned into a drug …show more content…

From that moment on Joy not only raised her kids to have respect for everyone, but her sons to have respect for women. The author Wes was taught to remember the things he’s done and never questions them. This was seen when Wes was three, he was playing around with his sister Shani, Wes described the situation as “…in the spirit of three-year-old boys everywhere who’ve run out of better ideas, I decided to punch her. Of course my mother walked into the room as a sung and connected” (5). Coming from the Caribbean, most children are raised very strictly. His mother, Joy saw this as a form of disrespect; she responds by saying, “I told you, don’t you ever put your hands on a woman.” Wes’s dad spoke to him after the situation and said, “…you just cant hit people, and particularly women. You defend them, not fight them. Do you understand?” (11). Wes viewed his dad as his protector, his dad not only taught him respect with those few words, but he allowed him to regain his mother’s respect. After Wes’s dad died, Joy decided to pick her kids up …show more content…

His mother Mary was the first to attend college in her family, but have to give up her dream once her Pell grant got taken away. Mary met Bernard, who “spent most of his time searching for himself at the bottom of liquor bottle,” (24) leaving her to raise her kids by herself. Growing up Wes’s brother Tony had a big impact on his life. His brother grew up in the Murphy Homes other wise know as the “Murder Homes” (26). Tony’s gangster attitude constantly influenced Wes’s decisions. For example, Wes was playing football with his friends, Woody and White Boy, and he experienced disrespect when a person on the opposite team constantly pushed him. Wes’s bigger structure didn’t intimidate the boy, he “…pushed Wes in the chest, creating a short distance between the two, then cocked is right arm and punched Wes in the face” (31). Taken by shock, Wes checked himself, realized he was bleeding and ran home. Going home he grabbed a knife, to go retaliate against the boy, and his brother’s not so wise words ran through his head “If someone disrespects you, you send a message so fierce they wont have the chance to do it again.” The Other Wes Moore was taught to do what he had to do and not question it. He learned this attitude from all his life experiences. Wes’s way of earning respect after being punched in the face was taking Tony’s words to heart and stabbing the boy. As Wes grew older he became involved with

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