
Book Reports On Fahrenheit 451

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Today we will be talking about a book called “Fahrenheit 451.” The book by Ray Bradbury , it mostly describes a society that is to be the so called future. They burn books , always in the house, and don’t care about anyone but themselves.

First, in this book there is a woman named Mildred. Mildred is Guy Montag’s wife , who is the main character. As we go deeper in the text , we can conclude that mildred has become self-centered .As in this quote she says “Whole family moved out somewhere. But she’s gone gone for good. I think she is dead. Ran over by a car. Four days ago.” This is when we can conclude that she is starting to reveal her actions when montag is sick. She didn’t let montag know clarisse had gotten run over , when clarisse

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