
Book Summary: The Locket

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The Locket is ultimately about second chances and what you would or wouldn't do if you made a horrible mistake and desperately wanted to take it back.

In a weird twist of fate Katie gets to change the night when she cheated on her boyfriend, Isaac, with their best friend, Mitch. But not everything is black and white and Katie must live with the consequences of her actions and understands that some things just aren't meant to be. And some things are.

This was a really fun concept! How many times did I wish I could go back to a moment in time and change what I had done. It was really neat to see how things would play out in this book, and now I'm thinking, not so much. Things really do happen for a reason.

I really enjoyed all of the characters. They were all very well developed and it was easy to get lost in there drama. …show more content…

She wants to get married to Isaac, have babies with Isaac and grow old and gray with Isaac. What she doesn't seem to realize is that her seemingly perfect life isn't exactly what she thought it was.

Isaac isn't all bad, he's just very self-focused and has an intense father, but that doesn't excuse him for basically taking Katie for granted. He did a few prick-moves that I'm not very happy about either.

Mitch is the polar-opposite of Isaac. He's very easy to love. He's the kind of guy who's sweet and attentive, he's the guy that will remember the little things and makes sure he's there when you need him.

The writing, as always is excellent, lots of twists and turns in this one. It wasn't overly predictable, but there were some things you could see coming, it didn't really bother me though since it's done it a way that's fun and you just got a know how this is all going to end.
It's not hard to know which guy to root for and I think I would have enjoyed this even more if my affections weren't so easily

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