
Borderline Depression Research Paper

Decent Essays

Considering that every time we discuss issues it’s much too late, I decided to currently muster all that I could think of into this document so read it OR ELSE! Whether or not you decide to gaze upon it is up to you but I felt I needed to do this so read it OR ELSE! Though the length of this is daunting and you will probably ignore it and say what the heck is this xD But you better read it OR ELSE! Now you’re getting it ;)
What you have are intangible barriers. You feel as if you cannot reach or even fully understand your problems so this whole situation is rather vague and stressful to you. One thing you probably don’t see that you tend to do is be a little overdramatic without knowing all the things that go into it (sorry but it is true xD). …show more content…

Many people misdiagnose themselves due to similar definitions of two totally different problems. What you have is chronic stress and if not treated will turn into borderline depression. What you first need to accept is your difficulties always stem from yourself first. One thing I’ve noticed with many people is their inability to recognize how much control they actually have when it comes to their own thoughts and emotions. You need to take responsibility for yourself and that’s a tough thing to do sometimes. You can’t waste your life complaining about everything. One of my friends had an issue that she was fully responsible for and managed to spin every discussion we had into an excuse to complain about what she disliked about her life, other people, and the world at large. But I wasn’t buying it because I refuse to join people in their self-made prison of dissatisfactions. Consequently, this only makes people try harder when you don’t give into them validating their victimhood. But she was getting out of life exactly what she intended. She was a victim because she thought of herself as a victim. But I told her that she needed to make more time for herself without ignoring her …show more content…

In-between she takes a mini break something I do myself which is when you play a game for a little while to get relaxed and then go right back to work. It seriously helps me focus without getting bored. These are mini breaks so you can’t play for an hour xD But for like 5-10 mins is fine. And it doesn’t have to be a game you could listen to music, go for a walk, relax, eat, just whatever. But the point is you have to make time for everything without stressing and overwhelming yourself. If you want to get up early, do it. That’s frankly all there is to it. If you think everything is “too much work” then what are you even alive for because you ain’t going nowhere without hard work. It’s not right to complain over something that you have control over because you are allowing this to happen so it’s just irritating to hear at best. You need to work on you and until you decide for real that: I’m unhappy because I’m creating it. And if there is a problem I have to fix it; then you will always be in a rut. You have to step up to the helm and chart your own course. So until I hear I’M HAPPY AND I DON’T NEED MY GODPARENTS ANYMORE, WHY WOULD I SAY THAT!? xD Haha anyway for realz though, some problems need more work than others. Sometimes a kind word and some attention from a friend is all that’s needed to turn things around. But when this solution

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