For my investigation, I chose to evaluate the significance of Boudicca and her impact on British history. This was topic that really interested me as I had seen the statue of her in London and thought her story was fascinating. All I knew about her was that was she was an ancient Celtic Queen who opposed the occupying forces of Rome then poisoned herself so that she couldn’t be held prisoner. However, there was an abundance of information that available for me to use so I could find out more about my chosen personality. There were many advantages to choosing Boudicca to investigate, however, I had to work around the issue of reliability within many of the sources. Despite that, this topic proved to be a good choice for me. I’ve always had an interest in British history. To me, Boudicca was a personality that seemed to have a significant impact and influence within this topic, and as such seemed like the best person for me to investigate. She was a strong and inspiring …show more content…
I was unsure as to what type of information I would find on Boudicca and if there was an appropriate controversy I could investigate. I started by doing general research on her to gain a historical context, and then I started narrowing it down to why she and the other Celt’s revolted against the Roman’s, and what impact this had on society. During this started developing my thesis, which went through a series of adjustments until I decided upon evaluate the significance of Boudicca and her impact on British history. I then gathered all of the information I was going to use in my investigation, and analysed the sources that this was coming from to ensure everything was correct. Once I started, I was surprised by how much I was able to find and how relevant most of the information was. I was able to then easily develop my question and then start focussing my research gathering onto certain aspects of Boudicca’s life and
Sam Boraie is a renowned real estate businessman, philanthropist and the current VP of real estate firm, Boraie Development. According to the blog, Boraie is a trained chemist from Egypt. He came to the US in the 1970 to pursue PhD and eventually discovered his true passion in the real estate. His efforts to revitalize the city of New Brunswick in the past few years, has done a lot to inspire real estate boom. For instance, some of the multi-purpose projects undertaken by Boraie Development have seen many retail entities to set up shop in the city. People from other parts of New Jersey have moved in to take us residence in New Brunswick. The core services offered by the company include Property Management, Property Development and Sales & Marketing.
As the arrival of the First Fleet caused a lot of trouble and stirred up many problems, it was extremely difficult to find a positive point of view in the situation. Many of the sources which I used stated the negative impacts of the arrival of the First Fleet and very rarely came up with positive points.
Throughout time, there will continue to be a considerable divorce between academic and popular historians. As Margaret Conrad argues, popular historians have established the tension, by recreating “historical films without the involvement of trained historians”. This underscores the troubling gulf that sometimes separates public academics approaches to the past. Academic historians have been “too long focused” on professionalism, and discarded “generating” a “dialogue” (Conrad) with their contextual audiences. The substantial dissolution between academic and popular historians is evident in a range of sources, essentially from Michelle Arrows to Herodotus and Thucydides to Bury.
The Lewinsky Scandal… A perfect example as to why we cannot accept everything at face value before carefully examining it first. Everyone thought President Clinton was behaving himself in the White House, but, as it turns out, he was most definitely not. This can be the same for history. We must carefully consider different aspects of articles so that we do no make the mistake of believing everything we read. In order to fully understand an article, we must understand the author that wrote it. It is necessary to examine prejudices, sources, information left out, and missing background information before accepting an article. This method of critical analysis allows us to better understand the article
Upon meeting some of the accused I felt very surprised that these reputable women would ever be suspected of witchcraft. Never had I seen such pure women be convicted as witches, never the less there were suspicions and I must investigate it to my full potential.
Non-fiction writings, such as a history or biography, are based on facts, real events, and real people. These writings can be presented as either objective or subjective and written in the form of personal essays, reports, and biographies. But, no matter what type non-fiction, the factual content of these writings can always be questioned as to whether or not it is actually accurate. In fact, many non-fiction sources, even if they focus on the same topic, often give different facts and information that does not match up with what another source says. As evidence, various non-fiction sources containing information on the “unsinkable” Molly Brown display multiple variations of her life story. Looking at different sources of Molly Brown’s
5. a.) Revisionism that stresses the faults of great figures can lead to an overwhelming negativity toward some great heroes who ultimately bring lessons of morality to the table. It perpetuates the idea that human beings, even the best of us, are always crawling with gaping character flaws. But, it also helps us humanize these great figures whose reputations often run away with them. It helps us to remember that political success does not equal morality. b.) This trend in historical writing alludes to a growing sense of both negativity and revolution in our society. As we begin to reject common figures of greatness and replace them with our own versions, modern-day youth culture is beginning to establish their own identity separate from current systems. This straying from the norm of decided importance implies a lack of trust or satisfaction with current
Because of this delicate selection of which publisher could have the privilege of reviewing his work, finding a true literary analysis based on facts rather than commercial selling seemed to become a job in itself.
The simple fact that Baca is a woman is extremely important when it comes to evaluating her impact on others. Being a woman and reaching out for social change the way that Judy Baca does takes much dedication and passion. Bell hooks writes about the commodification of women in the art world: “ undiscerning marketplace seeks to confine, limit, and even destroy our artistic freedom and practice.” (Hooks 1981, 17). While Baca comes from the historically challenged feminine perspective, she can reach the youth that she works with because of their disadvantaged perspective as well. They are more apt to listen and learn from her because she has already overcome the challenge of succeeding in as a Hispanic American woman in a patriarchal society.
Many historians build up historical profiles on a certain person, place, idea, or event. Once they have their research done they look at the work of other historians
A biography is defined as a written account of another person 's life. The key word in the definition being another person’s life. Biographies are full of great information that can often times make history fun and exciting. Historical phenomenon is often portrayed through biographies allowing us to see how society has developed over time and how the past and present may be similar. Although biographies are full of information often times it is impossible to prove them to be true because they aren’t written by the person themselves. Linda Colley’s The ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh is a great example of an exciting biography that allows us to learn about British Imperial Rule through someone else’s eyes.
Isabella Baumfree changed her name to Sojourner Truth and moved east. She began meeting with people who believed in the ‘Second Advent’ doctrines, the immediate personal appearance of Jesus Christ. Truth began to use her spiritual guidance to build credibility and relationships with other people. This way, she was able to get everyone to listen to her when she began fighting for women’s rights. I feel that was very smart on her part and it is a major reason that others supported her and her cause.
Knowing about the writer of a literary text can shape significantly the way that it is read. Consider the effect of the writer’s context on your understanding of The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum.
Giovanni Boccaccio is one of the leading Italian writers in the 1300s and has been considered as the father of Italian writing style through his composition of one hundred novelle. The Decameron continuously pictures women not as the objects of discussion but as the active producers and interpreters of their actions. Women are portrayed as they are or as they should be; they are shown to be as aggressive as men are while at the same time they can be submissive whenever they need to be. In many instances, Boccaccio depicts women as protagonists who do not readily accept the traditional role – being subservient to men and having no voice in the male-dominated society–, make their own decisions,
One might say it is more important for a biography to be impartial and others might say it is more important to be inspiring. I say it is more important for a biography to be inspiring. The three reasons a biography should be more inspiring rather than impartial is one, that people like to read books that inspire them, two, that by reading an inspiring biography about someone it might change their perspective, and three, is that it makes people feel good.