
Boy In The Striped Pajamas Differences

Decent Essays

In the book and movie of “ The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” there are differences like in the movie we get more information about the concentration camp, but not in the book. The perspectives of the film and the book are different, but they are similar because of Pavel’s death, in the Out-With house. Bruno and his family, (apart from the father) don’t know much about the concentration camp next door. “ ‘Who are they?’ asked Gretel, as open-mouthed as her brother often was these days. ‘ What sort of place is this?’ “ ( Boyne, pg. 30). The children don’t realize where they are and don’t recognize the name, “ ‘ Out-With?’ asked Bruno. ‘ What’s an Out-With?’ “ ( Boyne, pg.24). In the movie, Bruno’s mother knows exactly where they are, and …show more content…

In the book, it’s told in an innocent child’s perspectives, but in the movie, it’s shown in an audience's perspective and there are differences in both. Bruno an innocent child knowing nothing about his father’s work except, he was a good soldier, and they had to live at Out-With. He didn’t even know who the Fury was, “ ‘ Who’s the Fury?’ “ asked Bruno( Boyne, pg 117). The book is told from what he knows, sees, and hears. Such as, in the end, “ Bruno raised an eyebrow, unable to understand the sense of all this, but he assumed that it had something to do with keeping the rain out,[....]”(Boyne,213). He thought it was to keep the rain out, so he doesn't really know what it is, he’s just assuming. In the movie though, we, the audience know more about the camp than Bruno, and learn things Bruno doesn’t know, like the burning bodies and cruelty of the camp. It is told from Bruno’s perspective, but shown in an audience’s …show more content…

As Bruno’s family ate their dinner with Lieutenant Kotler, Kotler mentioned his father, and got into a discussion with the Commandant. The Commandant is very interested in why the Lieutenant's father left, in the prime of the Fatherland, we can assume his father might have been in trouble with the government, “ Or perhaps he had . . . disagreements [....] ‘With government policy.”(Boyne, 147). Kotler realized he made a mistake and grew angry, then when Pavel came to pour wine, “ [..] he lost his grip on the bottle somehow and it fell crashing, glug-glug-glugging[...]” (Boyne, pg.148). The, Lieutenant Kotler did something, “ What happened next was both unexpected and extremely unpleasant.” ( Boyne, pg 148). In the book they didn’t say, but in the movie it was confirmed, he killed

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