
Boy Meets Girl Ricky Analysis

Decent Essays

Today’s societal norms are based off a binary grouping system. People either belong to one group or the other group. This binary grouping system gives no room for people that do not seemingly fit into one of the two groups. One of the biggest binary grouping systems is biological sex. It is seen that somebody is either a male or female. When a person is born into the world, it is not only they are assigned a sex that then they are given the characteristics that a human I supposed to possess. It is just after birth that a person is given a binary gender classification. Although there are many people that agree with the binary system classification, there are some people born into this world not pertaining to only one gender. When somebody is …show more content…

This causes disputes between several people in Boy Meets Girl. Ricky has a dispute with her mother. Ricky also had a dispute with David. The dispute Ricky had with both David and her mother were rooted from a binary gender classification system instead of Fausto-Sterling’s Five Sexes. Ricky was born into the world as a male but she did not identify as a male so she went through hormonal treatment to go through a biological sex change. That was the main reason for the arguments. David is a marine and he believed that he fought for a country where you keep your gender. This created turmoil not only between David and Ricky but also between David and Francesca. Eventually David could understand that biological sex does not determine someone’s humanness. Butler states, “In an effort to displace the terms of this debate, I want to ask how and why ‘materiality’ has become a sign of irreducibility, that is, how is it that the materiality of sex is understood as that which only bears cultural constructions and, therefore, cannot be a construction? What is the status of this exclusion?” (28). Butler is simply stating that there is a confusion in terms of gender. Society thinks that gender is a cultural construction that also defines whether you are human. Butler is explaining that gender is something that you are born with and not something that you can choose in the second half of the quote. Butler is using this to explain that is the problem with society today. Society believes you are born into society as a gender and must remain that gender. Society also believes that when being assigned a gender, that is when you are also given the trait of being human. Butler disagrees with society that gender is the key aspect to being human and that you are given a gender at birth. Butler is arguing that every human being should be considered human and they should have their own option for which

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