
Brain Death And Its Effects On Society

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The thought of dying can be daunting on the grounds that the masses fear what they do not understand. It is inconceivable for someone to die and return to give a clear account of what transpires when there is a permanent ending of the vital process. Santrock writes, “Twenty-five years ago, determining whether someone was dead was simpler than it is today. The end of certain biological function – such as breathing and blood pressure, and the rigidity of the body (rigor mortis) – were clear signs of death.” (Santrock, p. 413) As time moves on, defining death becomes more entangled. Brain death is one of the more complex forms of determining if life has ended by reason of the various categories an individual may fall within to conclude the type of death. According to Sandtrock (2014), “Brain death is a neurological definition of death which states that a person is brain dead when all electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specified period of time….Because the brain’s lover portions monitor heartbeat and respiration, individuals whose higher brain areas have died may continue to breathe and have a heartbeat (Binderman, Krakauer, & Sololomon, 2012).” This level of death makes a situation more challenging because a family or medical team is faced with trying to make a decision on the quality of life an individual would have if they were to rely on medical devices to keep them alive. There are even more levels of death that can be fathomed.
According to Santrock

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