
Brain Injury In College Sports

Decent Essays

Every student-athlete knows the risk-factors that come with playing any sport. According to Luke Gessel, there were approximately 300,000 brain injuries that were related to sports activities (Gessel, 2007). When an athlete experiences multiple concussions, it can cause the end of one’s career as well as lead to other long-term issues. Sports are a major component of any college. Collegiate sports draw in future recruits, sponsorships, and numerous other aspects that bring money to the table. These sports activities can vary from college to college and each sport has its own protocol towards the prevention and treatment of sport-related injuries. It is the responsibility of the team doctor to manage injuries that a student-athlete suffers. …show more content…

How can this affect the play? Simple, when a player doesn’t report any type of health issues it has the potential to put themselves and teammates in danger. They could potentially cause more harm to themselves by failing to report and receive proper treatment and therefore potentially ending their career when the next injury causes irreparable damage. When student-athletes get brain injuries they only worry about one thing and that is whether or not they can continue to play. Student-athletes have so much sitting on their shoulders because their entire life has been based on one thing and that is the sport they play. Some have an anxiety of losing scholarships because of their injuries or how they could affect their future career as an athlete. “A player’s mentality is a damning mix of fear, pride and shame that almost always hurts in the long run” retired soccer player Zito Madu said this in an article from 2014 about his experience with his own injuries (Madu, 2014). Most student-athletes don’t understand that by not reporting brain injuries it can cause unknown damage to the brain that can worsen over time. Yet, some would risk it all by not reporting their mental health issues so they don’t seem weak. What most student-athletes don’t understand is that by not reporting their mental health issues it can …show more content…

The protocol needs to be updated as well as in order to be able to catch the symptoms of mental health issues. Every sport will have some type of issue that comes with it. Whether it be mental, physical, or emotional, there will always be risk-factors that come with playing any contact sport, but these risk factors don’t alone put the athlete at risk it also puts the student at risk. That is why there should be changes made to the way things are handled with brain injury protocol. Team physicians should be able to know when a student-athlete is depressed or has serious anxiety. They should be able to diagnose the issue on sight instead of later when it is too late. Brain injuries are a well-known issue throughout all sports and one that every athlete tries to avoid, but it’s not that easy. Until these changes are made there will continue to be more brain injuries. With those brain injuries come mental health issues that will more than likely be overlooked instead of handle properly. Depression that could have been prevented if treated as if it were cancer. Anxiety that could have continued a student-athletes career in the professional league if that is what they could have chosen. Until changes are made student-athletes all over the world will continue to get brain injuries that will later cause mental health

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