
Brave New World Drugs Quotes

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Drugs and alcohol in Brave New World are very bad seen but at the same time they are necessary yet, some don’t care to be seen by the rest of the society and don't care to be drunk and be seen, on the other hand drugs are hidden, Huxley shows us that the people in Brave New World need drugs just like humans need oxygen so the drugs are the oxygen and the people are dying to breath. People in Brave New World are always to evading the reality of their controlled lives.
Drugs and alcohol in Brave New World are very bad seen but at the same time some don’t care to be seen by the rest of the society and don't care to be drunk and be seen but when they are not drunk and are starting to drink they don't like to be in their 5 senses always, when Bernard …show more content…

We can see that in this world people are conditioned to like drugs and things like that so it's no wonder they become addicts to the thing. In the real world drugs are seen as bad as robbing a bank, but in the book taking drugs is as normal as showering, we can see this comparison when Linda says “What I had to suffer—and not a gramme of soma to be had. Only a drink of mescal every now and then, when Popé used to bring it. Popé is a boy I used to know. But it makes you feel so bad afterwards, the mescal does, and you're sick with the peyotl; besides it always made that awful feeling of being ashamed much worse the next day. And I was so ashamed.” (pg. 120) We can see that in the book the reservation is a reflection of our world and taking alcohol as much as linda did is bad and seen poorly, but back in her world is was as common as anything else which is why she suffers a lot when she loses her access to drugs. Another time we see this socially acceptable behavior is when Huxley show us Lenina's addiction to soma “Lenina felt herself entitled, after this day of queerness and horror, to a complete and absolute holiday. As soon as they got back to the rest-house, she swallowed six half-gramme tablets of soma, lay down on her bed, and within ten minutes had embarked for lunar eternity. It would be eighteen hours at the least before she was in time again.” (pg.

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