
Brave New World: Literary Criticism

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Freedom is one of the pillars on which modern society is built upon. Our freedom, though it may give sadness, also gives purpose and quoting Walter Wangerin Junior: “The difference between shallow happiness and a deep, sustaining joy is sorrow”. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World demonstrates a society deprived of its freedom through societal conditioning. The first instance of conditioning is the consumerist ideology and this ideology causes the loss of high arts and culture. The second instance of conditioning is found within the forced dependence of recreational drugs, causing the population to constantly pursue a shallow and temporary happiness. The third instance of conditioning is found within the caste system and prevents any individuality …show more content…

After the arrest of John, Helmholtz, and Bernard, John directly questions Mustapha about the lack of Shakespeare in the new world. the reasoning behind the literature and truth ban is revealed: “Our Ford himself did a great deal to shift the emphasis from the truth and beauty to comfort and happiness. Mass production demanded the shift. Universal happiness keeps the wheels steadily turning; truth and beauty can’t” (Huxley 201). This moment in the novel illustrates the issue with conditioned consumerism. Through the loss of literature, the society has defaulted to a meaningless medium for entertainment, or the feelies. In real society, the types of media a person consumes have an influence upon their personality. With regards to Brave New World, the people only consume their hollow feelies, and as a result, will develop a very shallow personality. In addition to losing literature, the people of the World State have also lost the truth. Truth, as inferred from John and Mustapha’s interactions, is the ability to know sadness. Since the difference between true joy and happiness is sorrow, the people of this society have given up the pursuit of true joy for shallow happiness. In real life, the pursuit of shallow happiness can also be related to one having a shallow personality, or a completely absent one in regards to Brave New World. The consumerist philosophy demonstrates hazards of societal conditioning as it has resulted in the loss of literature and truth and by extent, created a population without

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