
Bread And Roses Summary

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In the book, “Bread and Roses”by Bruce Watson, the textile mill workers went on strike to stand for what’s right in Lawrence Massachusetts January 12, 1912. Nearly 30,000 textile workers walked off their jobs, for 3 months. Workers were furious as they paraded, picketed and stood up violently with authorities. As they demanded better working conditions, and pay to feed their families. This strike shook America in many ways leaving Mill owners devastated without workers to work in their textile mills.
There were strikes before and after but nothing like the Lawrence strike, it was a milestone for the city, and broadly for labor history and the textile industry, and American immigration. About 27,000 workers were affected with immediate results as wage increased from five to twenty-five percent, overtime pay and a “premium system”. The aftermath of the strike rippled throughout New England as textile workers were given a wage increase of five to seven percent. Many textile workers were satisfied with the higher wages and the new conditions that were given. But it was not enough because they were practically still poor with bad wages.
Working children in textile mills would get abused for not doing their job good enough or fast enough in 1912. That wasn’t freedom they would get punished for half the pay of a grown man and that was not fair for the children because they were working to help out their family. Mill owners would beat them with sticks like animals and that’s why

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