
Break Up Research Paper

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Sometimes it is not the person you are in love with, but the idea of being in love. After a breakup, there are many mixed emotions deriving from the spilt like whether they cheated on you or you just were not meant to be. Breakups make you wonder if you are missing the interpretation of the person’s actions or the memories shared. In the end, you reflect on who you wanted them to be or were capable of being towards you, instead of who they became. You stay in love with the past instead of the reality of the present because they made you feel wanted, respected and loved. This thinking fogs the brain and gets rid of the negative behaviors or treatment, leaving only room for the happy memories. Unfortunately, this natural reaction comes from the fact that everyone judges one another. Society creates a set of beliefs about what people should want in the person they fall in love with (Hudson). In the end you don’t miss them, it was feeling you felt when they were around and how you feel know. …show more content…

Intimacy is gained after you have trust and a connection. After a relationship some resort to rebound sex thinking it’ll make them get over their ex, it makes them feel better about themselves and their romantic life (Joel). What most don’t understand is the rebound won’t be the same as before, you may expect to feel the love and compliment you had with your ex but it’s gone, which in some cases makes the breakup worse. Therefore, some tend to go back to their ex to feel the intimacy they had before only to realize it’s gone, this causes you to feel sad and depressed more than before because you finally know it’s over. During rebounds your emotional stability goes through the roof you're happy before it happens then rushes in stress, sadness, anger and grief after the fact (Lamia). In the end, you realize a relationship takes time and effort and aren’t developed in the

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