
Breaking Social Norms

Good Essays

According to William Graham Sumner there are three categories of Norms; folkway, mores and laws. Norms are standards or guides for behavior that are expected in society. Mores are behaviors that have extreme punishments when broken and laws if broken have mild consequences. Folkways are a norm that is expected but not enforced and this is the kind of norm I have been tasked to break. For a sociology project is was expected of me to break a social norm to explain how sociology effects daily life. The folkway that I chose to break was personal space, as it is expected that everyone has a “comfort bubble” around them but that is not a law nor is it morally wrong to stand close to someone. Personal space can be easily violated because it simply involves a person being a tad too close to another person. This creates a feeling of awkwardness and unsettlement. For my project I went to Walmart and the Kitsap Mall to stand close to and potentially bump into random strangers. I chose this particular norm to break because I think it would spark a reaction in people but not a bad enough reaction was something extreme would happen. My goal was just to break the unspoken rule that people need personal space and I have seen a …show more content…

Another example is, a lady who didn’t seem to notice me at and during this time, I was able to see her phone and watch her watch videos on Facebook. Not only did I invade her physical personal space but I felt bad because I could also see some of the things see was interested in. I had access to her life and it was creepy and I feel bad for waiting such a long time before I left. Personal space is taught to us at such a young age and I have never questioned before why it was a rule but now I understand that it is to keep privacy, which is something most people can agree on

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