
The Violation Of Norm Violations Essay

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Norm Violations Norm violations are a form of actions that do not seem right to some people. Let’s say that you are in a public place, you are expected to act respectful and normal. Norms describes the expectation of a behavior. (James M. Henslin) One can perform a norm violation by doing the opposite of that, like invading personal space. There can be different reactions to violated norms which sociologists call sanctions. (Henslin) Mores, folkways, and values revolve around norms as well.
Mores and folkways are two different types of norms. Folkway being one norm that is not really being enforced (Henslin). It can be not smiling when a stranger gives you a smile or, not waving back when someone waves at you. Mores is the opposite of that, it involves something for the most part everyone hates i.e. killing, robbing, raping (Henslin). Specifically it can be a pedophile. One can say that many parents across the United States dislike pedophiles. Parents do not want their kids experiencing getting touched by someone older than them in inappropriately or even worse rape them. Now that would be a negative sanction. Values can be a person’s ideal way on how to behave in certain places or their principles, just like ethics, beliefs, or standards (Henslin). Values can vary in cultures or religions as well. For example, when it comes to the LGBT community, which is also known as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, I believe that everyone deserves to be happy

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