
Brian's Plane Chapter Summary

Decent Essays

Brian is stranded in the Canadian wilderness in the summer season. Near him is a L shaped lake and he is surrounded by animals. The main character's name is Brian. Brian is a 13 year old boy from New York. Brian is very motivated to the the point where he will survive in the Canadian forest ALONE. Brian pays very good attention to his surrounding and never gives up. Brian is flying in a plane when all of a sudden the pilot has a heart attack. Brian has the steer the plane into a lake where he has to survive in the Canadian wilderness ALONE. In high hopes he will be rescued before winter. Brian is certain the plane will never come so has to make tools, more fire, and better shelter. Brian also, has to learn how to catch fish and fool birds with his weapons. Brian makes lots of mistakes and learns from them and that's how he stays alive. …show more content…

It is full of great vocabulary and has the best metaphors I ever heard. The highest point of interest is when Brian has to steer the plane into the lake. It’s a rollercoaster of emotion as Brian hits the water gets and concussion and has to rip the seat belt off and gets his fingernails ripped off. Not to mention he’s a 13 year old kid from New York who never been in a plane before. The story ends with Brian cooking a meal on his fire. When a plane randomly comes and lands on the lake. It turns out Brian left on the emergency transmitter. That attracted the pilot. My favorite part is when a tornado comes and teared the wall off Brian's shelter. It also takes all his tools and weapons leaving nothing. To top it off Brian once again sleeps with the mosquitoes all

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