
How Does The Hatchet Change Throughout The Novel

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Goodbye cheesy cheeseburgers, salty french fries, creamy, smooth milkshakes, and cold, refreshing soda; hello stinky, uncooked fish, small, nasty raw eggs, and wild, bitter berries. Brian must learn to survive in the Canadian wilderness, and the the nature around him can end his life if he is not careful. Brian runs into many animals and his character dramatically changes throughout the novel, which changes his view on life and his situation. In the beginning of the story, Brian is a whiner and near the middle and end of the story, Brian changes and starts to realize that he is part of nature and he adapts to his surroundings!

In the beginning of the story, Brian is given a Hatchet and put on a Cessna 406 Bush plane. He grudgingly gets on. He is on his way to visit his dad since his parents had a divorce. While on the plane the pilot has a heart attack and the plane crashes in the canadian wilderness. All Brian does is complain, and whine. On page 40, in the 3rd paragraph, it says “Luck, he thought. I have luck, I had good luck there. But he knew that was wrong. …show more content…

On page 105 it says, “ I am not the same, he thought. I see, I hear differently. He did not know when the change started, but it was there” This is important because he made a connection with his mind and body. He learned how to act on the sound, sight, or feelings of nature. Another example of this is in chapter 15. Throughout chapter 15 it explains Brian experiencing a tornado. This puts Brian to the real test to see if he can survive. Brian thinks fast but knows that everything he worked for is gone. He started to build a new shelter and get more food. In this situation Brian knows how to act because he is so used to nature and how it all works differently. The is different from the beginning of the book when all Brian did was complain about the difficulty of his

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