During his lecture, Randy said that throughout your life you will encounter brick walls. These walls are meant to slow you down, but they are not there to stop your goals. The walls actually push you to work harder in life to achieve those goals. Throughout life one will encounter failures every wear they turn. Whether it is being fired from your job or failing a test. You will not go through your life without encountering failure. In fact it is a good thing to experience failure once in a while. It keeps us humble about life and it shows that not everything is given to us. Throughout my life I have experienced my fair share of brick walls. Although I was able to overcome most of them, I still couldn’t overcome one. A few brick walls that I have faced over the course of my life include overcoming a death of a close friend and family. However there was one brick wall that took me a while to overcome. About two years ago, during a baseball game at home, I suffered a stage three hyperextension of my right knee while batting. The pain was equivalent to having my knee dislocated. I had to exit the game and I feared that my baseball season may be over. The following day while on a visit to the doctor, the worst of my fears were realized. The doctor said there was possibility that I would not play baseball the remainder of that season. Over the next couple of weeks, I had to undergo physical pain everyday while trying to walk around school. It was so bad that it
Life is like an obstacle course, you run into multiple obstacles on the way to the finish line, and there's no telling how many hindrances you may encounter. Very few people can go their whole life without obstacles along the way, others can’t seem to get away from them, but with every obstacle comes a beneficial or deleterious concomitant.
“A hill is another chance to climb.” Failure effects everyone on Earth. The difference is that everyone responds to said failures in different ways. Since I was young, I faced roadblocks. The way I faced these failures are what defines me. Even though it is difficult, I try to learn something from each of them. A failure that truly taught me a valuable lesson was the end of my senior football season. The events and lessons that I took away from this failure will help guide me for the rest of my life.
In order to ever accomplish something if it is going up the stairs, or getting to college they all have one thing in common. What is it? Motivation. Without it you couldn't do anything you wouldn't have the will to accomplish anything no matter how small. everyone has some kind of motivation in them if it is their parents, wanting more in life or just pure determination.
Imagine having the perfect life- you get into all honors classes, you get straight A’s, you are the first chair in the orchestra, you get into the A Cappella choir, you are on the varsity volleyball team, President of the Student Council, and you have a perfect home life. You have never had to face a single obstacle throughout your journey in life. When your whole life is like this, you do not know what failure feels like and will never experience the need to rise up after a downfall. There are many types of journeys one can take in life and dealing with obstacles has a prodigious impact on the outcome. The obstacles and hindrances are the things that shape us as we experience the ups and downs in life.
Having an obstacle to overcome will happen at least one time in everyone's life. The obstacles may be small, large, mental, or physical, but if you find the right people to stick with you through it, you can overcome anything. That’s what was going through my mind when I read an inspiring article about a young man named Tim Harris.
Debashish Mridha, an American physician, philosopher, poet, and author said, “Whatever happens in life happens to make you stronger. So fear not, accept it as a gift from the universe. Use the event to capture the essence of this journey we call life.” People get stronger from the journey not by reaching their destination. People should see that sometimes the journey is the best and most learning part of the trip not the destination. Everyone has a destinations that can include accomplishments, geographical destinations, death, the ultimate destination. Some learn and take the wisdom and experiences from the journey, and not the destination.
Today, I eat lunch with friends, I find comfort in my clubs, and sometimes, I fail. When I lived in Florida, I never had to cope with failure, as everything came to me easily. What I know now is that failure is an unavoidable aspect of life, and I know I’ll encounter it wherever I end up. When I moved up the East Coast, I learned how to face failure head on and accept that there are days when I can’t be perfect. But I am now able to learn from my failures and keep them in mind when moving
People are faced with many hindrances throughout their lives. They happen on a daily basis. Personally, I've been faced with more obstacles than I can count. I overcame them, though. Through my integrity and willpower, I solved these problems.
I failed to reach the top of the rock climbing wall on the playground, and as a result, I have strived even harder to reach the peak of success in everything I do. Instead of becoming discouraged and disappointed in myself, I found a way to improve myself for my next challenge. Learning from my mistakes has molded me into an improved person while giving me the motivation to keep pushing forward. Failure has taught me the importance of learning from your errors and trying again, no matter how difficult it may be. Without lessons like these, I would not be the motivated, independent person that I am today. I will continue to fail and try again until I achieve my goal of reaching the
“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something.But I can’t accept not trying.” We all have failed many times, but were able to get up. We learned that struggles are part of life and that struggling helps you get better on what you are trying to achieve. Conflicts will drag you down, but when you reach the top you while never give up.
like not being able to recognize failure, which results in the loss of purpose as well as the loss of willingness to improve. By not being able to deal with failure, one’s life can be put to a stop and lead them on a bad path. One must be able to recover from failure and see that failure is only a stepping stone to a better and brighter future. Failure is difficult to recover from and often leads to more failure, but it is not impossible to recover from. With resilience and drive, a person who understands what failure is, is able to conquer it.
There are many things that can hold people back from goals that they are determined to accomplish. Despite these hardships and dilemmas that we face, if we have fight in us and the correct work ethic we are bound to succeed. I personally have faced my share of obstacles in my life and have been through plenty of hardships. However, I always overcome them in one way or another. For example, when I first walked the halls of Harlingen High School I entered as a shy but ambitions freshman with a lot of friends and unfortunately a lot of enemies. I was always put down due to play playing ability in band. I constantly tried to get better and better and that’s when freshman region auditions came along. I was excited to be able to actually compete
If you overcome them, then basically, you become stronger. For instance, in “Stronger” Kelly demonstrates a few examples of obstacles from life, that are relatable “Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone” (line 16) and tells us that they are experiences in which we learn and get wiser from. This is similar to the story “the old man and the sea” in which the fisherman is motivating him every day to try harder and continue hoping. Basically, if the obstacles put you down, you've basically made no growth or progress. But if it doesn't kill you, you've grown
In my 38 years of life, I’ve had to overcome plenty of obstacles. When examining my life, especially in my younger years, it showed me life consists of an assortment of minor and major obstacles. Facing an obstacle, especially a major one, and conquering it, awards me a triumphant feeling. Furthermore, this feeling did provide me with determination, willpower, and courage to take on any future obstacles that life can throw at me (Harrington, 2012). This makes minor obstacles to become like a cake walk.
Everyone experiences adversity. Challenges that everyday people experience can potentially shape, improve, or destroy one's sense of self and personality. Through all these hardships and seemingly impenetrable obstacles, the most pertinent component of one's ability to overcome can only be shown in actions taken despite the odds. People have one of two options; to let those obstacles overwhelm them and keep them from pursuing all that they were destined to accomplish, or to march forward, fight harder and push past the seemingly impossible circumstances to become greater than they ever expected to be, but until they take the step that enables them to be successful -- they are stranded. All of our actions, mistakes, successes, and behaviors shape our person and what we can or cannot become, but what will always matter is our individual decisions and actions not those of the people around us because at the end of the day, we are the ones who have to deal with ourselves.