
Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Grapes Of Wrath'

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One reason why i know all was not right was because in the book on page 12 paragraph 4 it says. “Rush then noted that in recent days he had seen an unusual number of bilious fever, accompanied with symptoms of uncommonly malignity”. which shows that more people are getting sick with similar symptoms. So they realized that there was a sickness going around.

Another reason why it obviously is a big deal was because it was spreading and more people were getting it. And the big part that tells you it isn't good is where it says on page 13 and 14 “The skin and eyeballs turned yellow”. The reason why that shows it isn't good is because skin should not turn yellow because that's not a natural color for skin. Also that shows that the red blood cells were being destroyed and how i know this is because in the book page 14 first paragraph it says “the skin and eyeballs turned yellow, as red blood cells were destroyed”. …show more content…

So people think of it as a life or death situation which it kinda was. One reason i say it is a life or death situation was because in the passage it says “While mortality rates for yellow fever varied widely, it was not unusual for it to kill 50 percent of those who contracted it.”. So they had a 50/50 chance of living or dieing. So it would cause people to go

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