
British Rule Dbq

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The colonists had many reasons to not obey the king. The reasons are, the colonists were able to govern themselves for years and now British wants control, even though they have taken care of themselves for a long time. Also the colonists weren’t equally represented. Lastly there was Salutary Neglect, which is the unofficial British Policy that enforced laws on american colonists. Additionally, the colonists were governing themselves for a while and now the british want control over them. They were able to make the laws and taxes for themselves.In the document ‘Government’ it states “a charter listing a number of rights that most colonist thought they should have.” For example, the King passed The Stamp Act and The Quartering Act, which taxed the colonists on stamps and imported item. Also the proclamation of 1763 angered the colonist. This was a line which the colonists and indians couldn’t cross. This area is also known as the Appalachian Mountains. …show more content…

“No ‘scutage’ or ‘aid’ may be levied in our kingdom without its general consent.” They weren’t being represented fairly, this is also referred as “no taxation without representation”. Britain needed more money, because the French and Indian war caused debt so they took it from the colonists by by-passing them and going directly to parliament to tax them. This angered the colonists which led them to rebel against the king. The colonists were being taxed on tea, so in 1773 the colonists dumped gallons of tea into the Boston Harbor. This was their way of rebelling against the

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