
Brock Turner Case Study

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A college athlete, known as Brock Turner, age 20, raped an intoxicated woman in a public setting; he was arrested in 2015. There were two witnesses who caught Turner in the act. The victim came before the jury to express how Turner took advantage of her. The sex offender was convicted of 3 felony counts and the prosecutor ruled for him to serve a minimum 6 years in prison. Turner’s father made a statement to the judge saying, "This is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of actions out of his 20 plus years of life". The judge sentenced Turner to 6 months in prison, but he only completed 3 months as he didn’t serve his full initial sentence in prison.
A high school athlete, known as Brian Banks, age 16, was accused of raping a classmate. The prosecutor ruled for 41 years in prison. Banks confessed to making out with the victim, but never raping her. He was charged as an adult and sentenced to prison. After wasting 10 years of his life, Banks accuser announced that she lied about Banks raping her.
What was the difference between the two cases provided; other than the defendant’s age, economic status, location and one defendant was guilty while the other individual should’ve been the victim due to false allegations? Turner was a wealthy white man and Banks was a black boy growing up in poverty. Is race a common factor in sentencing disparity within the United States? There are multiple cases of minorities receiving harsher sentencing compared to white Americans. I hope to prove that sentencing disparity doesn’t happen in every case, but it happens more often than it should and it should be recognized. Sentencing disparity can’t end unless it is a topic that is discussed. There should be laws in place to protect citizens from receiving parole or prison sentences that are unethical and unfair. Literature Review
It all starts with the initial contact with law enforcement. Studies have proven more minorities are arrested for simple mistakes. According to Race, Ethnicity, and the Criminal Justice System (2007), "Research studies indicate that racial disparity is most evident at arrest, the first point of contact between youth and the justice system: In 2002, for youths ages 10 to 17, the arrest rate for blacks

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