
Juvenile Justice System Based On Their Race, Gender, And Social Class Essay

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Introduction The research done for this paper examines different studies of juveniles and their place in the United States’ justice system based on their race, gender, and social class, as well as looks into policing tactics that may be beneficial to the affected youths. By looking at a wide variety of academic journals and books it was clear to see that youths are looked upon and treated differently depending on what their race is, the sex that they were born, or their family’s economic standing. Resulting in the outcome of these youths being treated more harshly than others due to aspects about themselves that are out of their control. Doing further research into the juvenile justice system and how it is structured to help certain youths while neglecting others, it is clear that the treatment of minority youths is entirely unjust and that a reform of this system is, without question, necessary, not only to maintain an even and fair justice system for juveniles, but also to help these minority youths strive in their lifetime rather than fall victim to a life of crime.
Literature Review
The subject of race is one that has come up countless times when discussing or reading about the juvenile justice system. According to Jennifer Peck and Wesley Jennings article “race differences in court outcomes to the disadvantage of Black youth…” (Peck & Jennings, 2016). Youths that are Black or Latino are more likely to be punished more harshly than white youths who have committed

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