
Brown V Board Of Education Topeka Case Study

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Brown v Board of Education, Topeka Constitutional Question: Does segregation of public education based merely on racial output, infringe with the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? Background Information: Within Topeka, Kansas schools were segregated by race, and only the schools that are substantially equal to whites could be admitted to join an all white public school. Opinion: The Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” provisions violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court also ruled that segregation of public education placed a barrier on the educational growth of African American children. Mapp v Ohio Constitutional Question: How did the decision made by the case change the Constitution? Background Information: Dollree Mapp, charged and arrested for violating an Ohio law with the though of local officials that she had been hiding a bomb suspect in her house, and an illegal investigation was done without a warrant …show more content…

With this more privacy was given to American individuals Engel v Vitale Constitutional Question: Does the reading of a nondenominational prayer at the start of a school day violate the Constitution’s “Freedom of Religion” ? Background Information: First Amendment Establishment Clause Students were required to start the day with reciting a nondenominational prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Though, the prayer became voluntary due to a law that allowed students who were not religious to be out of the prayer. Furthermore, a New York parent sued the school because he stated that it was against the First Amendment Opinion: Ruled by the Supreme Court, it was decided that starting the beginning of a school day with a prayer was unconstitutional Gideon v Wainwright Constitutional Question: Does the sixth amendment right to advocate in criminal cases extend to felony defendants in state courts? Background

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