
Buck And Spitz Quotes

Decent Essays

Risking something of their own Buck brought out the primordial beast inside him and killed Spitz. Ahmedi was a refugee from Afghanistan who climbed a mountain for a better life. Aengus was a mortal that chased a girl his whole life because he wanted to find out who she was. However, all three risked something of their own. Buck was determined to kill Spitz. While pursuing that mission, though, he not only risked his life, but the teamwork of the other dogs. “It was to the death,” (London 31). This text shows how Buck risked his life because the fight between him and Spitz was “to the death”. “With the covert mutiny of Buck, a general insubordination sprang up and increased,” (London 28). This text shows how Buck risked his teamwork with the other dogs because Spitz and him were always fighting. …show more content…

With Fara’s loss of a leg, it seemed almost impossible to get out of Afghanistan and into Pakistan. But so desperate to cross the border, they risked their health, especially Fara’s mother’s. “Her asthma was pretty bad at this point, poor thing,” (Ahmedi 11). This text shows that Fara’s mother’s health was not the best at the time and she could have gotten sick. “Because of her, we had to pause every few minutes, so our journey took many hours,” (Ahmedi 11). This shows that her mother was slowing them down because of her poor health. Aengus found a magical girl in a stream. He caught a fish and it later turned into a girl whom he followed his whole life. Aengus risked something too though, and that was his time. He could have done so much with his life but instead he devoted it to find a girl. “Though I am old with wandering… I will find out where she has gone,” (Yeats 17 &19). This text shows that he is old and is still trying to find the girl. “And kiss her lips and take her hands… And walk among long dappled grass,” (Yeats 20 & 21). This show how desperate and dedicated Aengus was to find this girl. Works

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