
Buddhism Religious Tradition

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Hindus do not eat meat, animals, therefore they are vegan or vegetarian. As a part of their culture, they do not believe in death instead they believe in rebirth, also known as reincarnation. Depending on how the follower lives their current life will determine of the cycle of rebirth continues or breaks the cycle. Hindus believe that one God that exist in everything. As a result, the followers strive to live in a productive manner. Everyday worship becomes a tradition at home or the Prana Pratishtha Mahotsava. Prayer is performed twice a day using Hindu scriptures, called Vedas. As believers admire the qualities represented by Gods and Goddesses, they strive to live a pure life in the shadow of the ancient creator. Gods can be separated from …show more content…

Raksha means Protection and Bandhan mean Tie. Now-n-days, siblings dress in their finest clothes and share gifts. On this day it becomes the brother's duty to protect his sister. Similar to King Buli, all brothers that should be a willing to also give and become just a generous as the King. A mixture of water, rice, and red powder is mixed by the sister and placed on the brother forehead the represents good virtue. After a prayer, a tying a Rakhi on the brother the sister gives the brother a small snack to eat. If the brother is younger than his sister out of respect they touch their sister's feet. In exchange for this blessing the sister also gets a gift. If the girl is without a brother it is also a celebration that can be shared with uncles, cousins, and nephews consuming the duty to protect the …show more content…

They are usually large because they join two families and two communities. Before the wedding, the bride has a bridal party. During this party, the bride is papered and patterns are drawn on hands, arms, legs, and feet with Henna. The darker the color is the more the husband loves the bride. During the ceremony, the husband's face is covered and the wife wears a Shadi. Rituals are performed over the couple to keep them from harm. Then a fire is lite by a preset and then the couple walks around the fire four times. Then, the husband draws a symbol on his wife's forehead and places a necklace around her neck. Finally, the couple drawing acorn nuts that represent different qualities off the edge of a table with their feet and takes 7 steps together to finalize the

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