
Buddy King Case Study

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Buddy King is a 28-year-old man, who has recently been encouraged to take steps to see a psychiatrist. Based off the DSM-5 he is diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. The section “Case Formulation Using the Integrative Model” discusses both biological and other factors contributing to the development of bipolar disorder. Diathesis refers to the biological vulnerability to develop a bipolar disorder. From research conducted thus far, there has been no conclusive evidence tying any one genetic or biological marker to bipolar disorder. From the research, bipolar disorder is attributed to an overactive neurological response to stressful life events. In the case of Buddy, his family has a long history of depression and potential bipolar disorder, and he also grew up in what was, to him, a stressful environment. Each of these factors could be classified as a component to developing bipolar disorder. One reasoning that researchers believe there is a biological component to bipolar disorder is based off findings found in research with twins. In the case of monozygotic twins, if one twin has bipolar disorder, the other has a 80% chance of the other twin having a mood disorder or bipolar disorder. In the case of dizygotic twins, if one twin has bipolar disorder, the other twin had a 16% percent chance of having a mood disorder. Another reasoning behind the idea of bipolar having a biological component is the relationship between bipolar disorder and sleep. People with bipolar disorder, and their children, are more sensitive to light at night, affecting their melatonin. Melatonin controls the biological clock, telling the body when it is time to sleep. Spells of insomnia can trigger manic episodes. These findings can determine a potential relationship between bipolar disorder and the disruption of circadian rhythm. When looking at non-biological factors, stressful life events have a strong relationship to the development of mood disorders. Stress causes the human body to release stress hormones, which affect the neurotransmitter systems. If the neurotransmitters stay activated, structural and chemical changes can occur in the brain. However, there has been no conclusive evidence supporting this from the research

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