
Build A Snowball Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Throw a snowball, make another. Oh how fun it is to play in the snow.
Bring your family and your friends. The more the merrier when playing a game.
It doesn't matter if you are young or old, you can play in the snow.
Make some snowmen or snow women whatever suits your fancy, then built a snow fort and have a snow war.

The winter is cold, but beautiful. All the snowflakes falling through the air.
All of them different, perfectly unique.
They are like people in a way if you really think.
Apart they are small, but together they are mighty.
We are all snowflakes. Differently unique in a beautiful way.

The winter is beautiful, but cold. Ice everywhere.
It can freeze you numb. Its even left people dead.
The snow is beautiful but dangerous like

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