
Building A Quality Educational Environment

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Chandler High School, part of the Chandler Unified School District, is committed to the safety needs of all students, including those on a varying sexual orientation or gender identity spectrum. This is evidenced by the sexual harassment policy (Chandler Unified School Board, 2014-2015). However, this policy does not anticipate situations which arise out of the specialized needs of transgender and gender non-conforming students in regards to their bathroom rights. Being able to safely use a public restroom is not a privilege, it is a right (Advocates for Youth, 2008). By allowing students to use the bathroom which matches their gender identity or expression we ensure their safety and health, while maximizing the student’s integration into the school setting and minimizing stigmatization.

Equal Bathroom Rights for All Students The mission of Chandler High School, in Phoenix Arizona, is to “create a quality educational environment which respects our diverse learning community by developing partnerships among community, parents, staff, and students to maximize potential and promote lifelong learning in every student for success in the 21st century (Chandler Unified School Board, 2014-2015).” The CDC advises that LGBT youth who are supported by their school, enjoys a more positive outlook on their futures and has a higher success rate for graduation (CDC, 2014). One of the diverse cultures within the school system of today includes transgender and gender

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