
Bulimia Nervosa Is A Psychological Eating Disorder, Which

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Bulimia Nervosa is a psychological eating disorder, which is considered very dangerous for life. It is described as an abnormal consumption of food in large quantities. After overeating a person has a desire to avoid of gaining weight and can expressly induce vomiting or drink laxatives in order to get rid of the negative consequences of overeating. From psychological point of view Bulimia nervosa is very painful for those who suffer this disease. A bulimic person is well aware that such a constant overeating leads to overweight and health problems and often hides his disorder from others by using such kind of behavior as cleaning stomach and intestines by forcing methods as an attempt to prevent weight gaining and create a …show more content…

( WebMD 2016 ). Causes. There is no reason that can be considered as a cause of Bulimia Nervosa, but the low self -esteem of a person and concerns about his body image and weight are playing a huge role in encouraging the appearance of such eating disorder. People who are suffering bulimia in most cases have psychological issues , which are connected with their emotions and they are not able to overwhelm those troubles in a healthy way. Overeating for bulimics is an emotional feature, thus they facilitate their depression, anger, stress, and anxiety. There are four basic risk factors of Bulimia Nervosa: Poor body image. It is basically paired with strict dieting.
Low self-esteem. Things which promote low self-esteem are depression, perfectionism and critical home environment.
Stressful life changes. These are losing of close friend, breakup, issues through puberty or hard adaptation to a new environment.
History of trauma or abuse: These can be sexual abuse, childhood neglect, issues with family members or ignorance of loved ones. (WebMD2016). Symptoms. These are common symptoms that a person have bulimia nervosa:
• Avoiding eat around other people. Tring to keep in secret the illness.
• Hiding food at home. Large amounts of food are often missed.
• Usually can occur weight changes. The bulimic may gain or lose weight in short

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