
Burmese Days Essay

Decent Essays

It seems there isn't much on the net about Burmese Days that one can look over when getting ready to write an essay. I have provided one I wrote that is about 2 1/2 pages long and outlines some basic themes as well as analyzes the main character. Tell me what you guys think:

Burmese Days by George Orwell is not a book that commonly comes to mind when one thinks '"'Orwell'"' but nevertheless it holds a distinguished place in his career as a writer. The novel revolves around the lives of a handful of high-class English gentlemen living in Burma during the time of the British colonial period. The story focuses on one man in particular; John Flory, who gradually succumbs to his life of loneliness and boredom. Though a '"'pukka sahib'"' or …show more content…

To them the Burmans are nothing more than maids, slaves, and peasants. When the European Club is asked to elect a non-white member all the Englishmen feel annoyed and infuriated that they must choose somebody that they consider of such filth and low rank in society. Discrimination plays an important role because it creates one of the main conflicts of the novel. John Flory does not share the ill feelings of his companions but his lack of courage and fear of rejection cause him to retain all of his feelings and protests; a situation which subsequently tears John"'"s conscience in two. Self-acceptance is one of John"'"s major obstacles as a person. He envisions himself as repulsive and emotionally and physically languid. His pessimistic feelings towards himself prevent him from being able to confess his love to Elizabeth and express his pro-Burma feelings at the European Club. Due to his inability to do so, feelings of cynicism and melancholy build up in John, which in turn give way to less and less confidence. As John continuous his way down his emotional spiral he never does realize that all his fears and problems were caused by fears and problems within himself. Isolation is an important factor in the story because it creates an inevitable prison of detachment and despair that John has no way of escaping. John does not feel at home with the rest of the few Englishmen living in Burma because of their bigotry, yet he does not fit in with the

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