
Burundi Genocide

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A person who is outside of their national country with the fear of being persecuted based on a specific reason given by their country is referred to as a refugee. Persecution can occur if their country does not agree on their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or the membership of a certain social group. An internally displaced person (IDP) is a person who has not crossed an international border in order for them to find refuge. Both groups of people are similar because in both cases there are people who are running away from their own country or land. They could both be running from an issue, law, or belief that they may not agree with and can be victimized for such beliefs. The difference between a refugee and an internally displaced …show more content…

Burundi’s first displacement followed the selective genocide’ against the Hutu population in 1972 (Thomas 2009). Some of the people from Burundi have fled their country because of this ethnic-based war that ended in 2005 (Central n.d). The violence in Burundi has caused physical and sexual violence towards their citizens, which is why the women and children feel forced to flee their homelands in order to seek freedom. The IRC reported that there have been 72% of rape cases reported that occurred in Burundi while in transit (Burundi: Women 2015) Since April 2015, there have been many protests against the current president, Pierre Nkurunziza, after he decided to prolong his term of presidency for a third year. The protests against him have only increased the amount of attacks between Nkurunziza’s security forces and his opponents causing at least 400 deaths. It is because of this that over 220,000 people have fleed their homes in seek of refuge (Jones 2015). Nkurunziza has tried to get many young boys to join his armed forces. His recruitment causes fear to many young boys causing them to flee to Tanzania to seek …show more content…

Not only has the IRC stepped in to help these refugees but also UNHCR has partnered with the governments of Tanzania to help Burundi. From 1993 to 2000, Tanzania has been host to almost 1.5 million refugees (Thomas 2009). The fact that there are so many refugees in Tanzania can have many economical effects. The goods and infrastructure will have to be shared between the citizens and the refugees that flee there. Although Tanzania camps are already getting full with so many refugees, the IRC are helping by identifying unaccompanied children and providing them with care and counseling to those who have survived sexual violence (Tanzania 2015). There are also allowing these refugee people to stay in mass shelters, churches, and

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