
Butterfly Effect Of Racism Essay

Decent Essays

By a show of hands… how many people are in here are racist? Well I hope nobody would raise your hand, mean that’s kind of embarrassing but this speech is targeting those who are racist. I’m not saying any of you are racist but it’s just something you can learn from for being any race and being the up incoming generation to have kids. What the hell can we do to help end racism? Well I’m assuming everyone in here has heard of the butterfly effect? If you haven’t, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. For example Say a man works for a company and he was being mistreated by his manager and after …show more content…

If even one of you teaches your kids not to be racist they can make other kids not racist, when they have kids there kids won’t be racist. You are the new root of a generation, you know right from wrong, you can make a change. You see this butterfly effect? You see where we can make a real effective change with something so simple? It’s simple and everyone is capable of doing it. Everyone I want you think of a racist stereotype. Now think you learned this stereotype from someone wouldn’t it be nice not to know it. You go into a store and someone walks in and you notice there race and you’re now worried they are going to steal something. Think if you never learned of that stereotype? You wouldn’t give a shit who came into your store. You’d make them feel comfortable and welcome. So remember when you raise your child, make sure you teach them about culture and races in a constructive way to make them accept all people. Our goal should be to stopping stereotypes, racial comments and keep our kids ignorant to our problems and let those problems be taken to our grave. Apply this idea to your family and one day everyone will be able to stand as one and may racism rest in

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